What to Know About Cannabis: A Guide for Beginners and Experts Alike


The use of Cannabis is losing the stigma that has surrounded it for so many years. With its growing acceptance as both a recreational and a medical drug, as well as its common presence throughout our pop culture and media, it feels as though Cannabis is also losing some of the mystery surrounding it. 

While it may feel that way, we know a lot of people still have questions - even if those just boil down to “why was it ever illegal, anyway?”

A guide to what you need to know about cannabis - The Vault Recreational Cannabis Dispensary, Webster, MA

From casual pot smokers to former users and those with plenty of experience to call upon, there’s always something new to learn. We want to offer you a basic guide about Cannabis, its uses, how you may choose to consume it, and where you can go with any further questions you may have. 

So let’s take a deeper dive into the world of Cannabis, and see what there is to learn.

What Exactly Is Cannabis?

Everyone knows that Cannabis is a plant, right? Maybe so, but even many marijuana enthusiasts lack a basic understanding about the plant itself. Like, for starters, that the name “Cannabis” is actually an umbrella term for three plants, all of which boast their own psychoactive properties. 

These plants are:

  • Cannabis sativa

  • Cannabis indica

  • Cannabis ruderalis

Cannabis itself comprises more than 120 different cannabinoids - basically just the components making up the plant itself. There is a lot of research left to do, but scientists today have a solid grasp on two of these cannabinoids - the two you’re most likely to be familiar with. 

These two cannabinoids are:

  • CBD, or cannabidiol

  • THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol

Now that you’ve got a basic grasp of what Cannabis is, let’s talk a little bit more about what it does.

How Does Cannabis Do What It Does?

If you ask someone on the street what Cannabis products do for them, they’ll probably say something about “getting high.” That’s fine if you have experience with the feeling, but if you don’t, you probably don’t really get what they’re talking about. And, if you’re a Cannabis enthusiast, it’s really the bare minimum you can say about the effects of Cannabis. 

So what exactly does Cannabis do to us when consumed? 

Well, the THC found in Cannabis is its psychoactive compound. That’s what gives us the feeling of being “high.” A more descriptive way of putting it is to say that THC produces a euphoric sense in users, enhancing sensory perception. It is THC’s binding with cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors in users’ brains that leads to that sense of euphoria.

CBD, on the other hand, does not give users this sense of euphoria. It binds very weakly with CB1 receptors (if it actually binds to them at all). You wouldn’t be offered CBD shots in your coffee these days if it was getting you high on your way to work, right? No, CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid that’s been found to reduce maladies like pain and inflammation, help with nausea, and even relieve migraine and seizure symptoms. 

As is the case with any drug, legal or otherwise, the amount of Cannabis that users consume and the way in which they consume it can influence how it affects them.

And if you’re new to Cannabis, or you’ve been away for a while, you might be surprised at just how many options there are in this regard.

Wait, There Are HOW Many Ways to Use Cannabis?

The amount of ways in which to consume Cannabis today really shocks some existing users visiting a dispensary for the first time, let alone those users just getting their toes wet. Dispensary menus may even have a few new terms of interest for seasoned users who have always stuck to their own personal delivery method of choice. 

If you’re using Cannabis today, you may choose to ingest it in any of the following ways:

Smoking - This is the one that probably won’t surprise anybody, even if they’re novices. From joints to blunts, bongs, and pipes, most people are familiar with the idea of smoking Cannabis products. 

Vaping - Similar to actually burning plant matter and smoking it, vaping is the act of heating Cannabis concentrates and inhaling the smoke. It can feel less harsh than smoking from a hand pipe.

Tinctures - Tinctures mix herbal extracts with a liquid, and drops are taken orally or sublingually (beneath the tongue). This is a great option if you’re looking to avoid inhalation entirely.

Edibles - “Pot brownies” may be the classic association, but there are a ton of edibles to choose from today. Modern edibles offer more accurate dosages than what would come out of the old brownie pan, too.

Topicals - Activated cannabinoids can be absorbed through users’ skin, meaning you can literally rub topical Cannabis ointments on to enjoy their effects. Topicals are popular among users looking to soothe aches and pains.

Don’t let your Cannabis options overwhelm you.

Like we said, there’s a lot more to the world of Cannabis than many users realize, regardless of their familiarity with Cannabis products. Make sure you’re getting your information from a reliable resource. Check out our other educational articles, and be sure to get in touch if you still have questions. You can even book an expert appointment with a member of our team if that works best for you.

We look forward to seeing you at The Vault.

Steve CranshawThe Vault