Indica vs. Sativa - What’s the Difference, and Which Is Right for You?


If your experience with cannabis begins and ends with buying a bag full of seeds and stems in a college dorm room back in the day, you probably weren’t considering factors like different strains and their defining characteristics at the time. Whether you’re brand new to this information, or you’ve always fallen on one side or the other and want to expand your knowledge and your horizons, this is everything you need to know.

Dispensaries today have a wide selection of products and cannabis strains to choose from. At The Vault, we’re always happy to talk with our clients and help them make the right decisions when purchasing cannabis. Even so, it’s still always nice to have a baseline understanding of your options. So let’s take a closer look at what sets sativa and indica strains apart from one another.

Body High vs. Cerebral High

We’re going to start right out by saying it’s not really this simple. The most common conception of the difference between indica and sativa strains is that indica results in a more physical, sedated high than sativa does. Ask any marijuana enthusiast among your acquaintances what the difference is, and there’s a good chance they’ll say something to this effect.

The idea that indica will put you “in da couch” while sativa will result in a more stimulated high is more rooted in popular culture than in the science behind cannabis, though. The terms themselves date back to the 18th century, with sativa describing help plants originating in Europe and western Eurasia. Sativa at the time was used for its fiber and seeds. Indica, on the other hand, referred to cannabis with more intoxicating effects found in India. This too was harvested for its seeds and fibers, but was also commonly used in the production of Hashish. 

Today, the terms indica and sativa have different meanings that have evolved over the years. 

  • Indica describes plants that have broad leaves, and are believed to deliver sedating effects.

  • Sativa describes plants that have more narrow leaves, and are believed to deliver more stimulating effects. 

If you really want to understand how any specific strain of cannabis is going to affect you, though, you need to look beyond these two umbrella terms. 

Consider the Strain-Specific Cannabinoids

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the two most prevalent cannabinoids to be aware of. THC is the cannabinoid that gets you high - it also makes you hungry and can help to alleviate pain, nausea, and other symptoms of illnesses. CBD is not intoxicating, so it won’t get you high. However, it can be used to treat anxiety, pain, and a lot of other symptoms of illness or injury.

We say these are the two most prevalent cannabinoids because they’re only two of dozens found in cannabis products. But they’re a great starting point if you’re trying to figure out which strain of cannabis is right for you - and they’ll give you a much better understanding of your choice’s effects than its basic “indica vs. sativa” classification. When purchasing cannabis, consider the following categorizations:

  • THC-dominant

  • CBD-dominant

  • Balanced THC/CBD

With a THC-dominant strain, you’re going to get the most potent high. When used medically, THC-dominant strains also have the best effects for pain management, as well as treating depression, insomnia, and other medical conditions. Those concerned with anxiety when using THC-forward strains are better advised to choose a CBD-dominant strain. 

CBD-dominant strains only contain a small amount of THC. They’ll offer some relief for the symptoms above, but will also allow the user to maintain a clearer head than if they’d used a more THC-dominant strain.

If you’re relatively new to cannabis use, or you’re just after a milder high - but still want that high - then a blend of THC/CBD in a balanced strain is your best bet. 

It’s not all about the labels. It’s what in those strains that really counts.

When In Doubt, Ask a Professional

One of the greatest benefits of the dispensary scene is the fact that there are cannabis professionals - not just enthusiasts - to consult with. Our own menu at The Vault is pretty enormous, and there’s no way anyone on our staff would expect you to have all the answers or to know exactly what you want. Even avid cannabis users come in with questions, and we encourage them to ask more.

Our goal is to ensure that every customer leaves with what they’re looking for, even if they weren’t sure what that was when they first walked in. If you have a lot of questions that you think may require a more personalized shopping experience, go ahead and book an expert appointment with a member of our team. We’re happy to take the time to give you the information you need to enjoy an outstanding cannabis experience.

Don’t let your Cannabis options overwhelm you.

Like we said, there’s a lot more to the world of Cannabis than many users realize, regardless of their familiarity with Cannabis products. Make sure you’re getting your information from a reliable resource. Check out our other educational articles, and be sure to get in touch if you still have questions. You can even book an expert appointment with a member of our team if that works best for you.

We look forward to seeing you at The Vault.

Steve CranshawThe Vault