What Is “Rick Simpson Oil,” and Who Can Benefit From It?


When customers enter The Vault, they know they can count on an outstanding experience with a passionate, professional budtender. We hold our staff to a very high standard, and that standard also extends to the products that our staff deals with. 

That’s why we’re happy to stock our shelves with Rick Simpson Oil.

The best budtenders in the business want to work with the best products, and Rick Simpson Oil has earned its spot among them. If you’re not familiar with Rick Simpson oil and the benefits it has to offer, this post is for you. Let’s dive into the history of the product a bit - it’s a fascinating one - and help you decide if Rick Simpson Oil is a good fit for what ails you.

Who Is Rick Simpson? 

Rick Simpson may not be a household name, even among cannabis enthusiasts, but he’s got an incredible story and has made a meaningful contribution to the world of cannabis products. Diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma in 2003, Rick Simpson read in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that THC can help to reduce tumor cell growth in mice.

Hoping that THC could do the same for his newly diagnosed skin cancer, Rick Simpson made his own extract and applied it to the cancerous moles on his body. According to Simpson, the growths were gone four days later. 

It’s important to note that there are no major scientific studies supporting the efficacy of RSO, and Simpson himself does have detractors. However, there are also a large number of RSO defenders who vouch for the fact that Rick Simpson Oil has indeed helped them in treating their own cancer symptoms. Regardless, it’s important that you check with your doctor before using any new medical treatments, RSO/cannabis-based or otherwise.

What Exactly Is Rick Simpson Oil, and How Is It Used?

Rick Simpson Oil is a cannabis extract that contains higher THC levels than you’ll find in other medical cannabis extracts. It is extracted using ethanol. Simpson himself provides his own recommendation for RSO dosage on his website, www.phoenixtears.com. Note that Simpson claims RSO has a potency of 80% - 90% THC, so it’s not something to be taken lightly. Users don’t typically smoke RSO, instead opting to use it topically, sublingually, or in capsule form.

According to Simpson, the average person can expect to take about 90 days to ingest a 60 ml oil treatment. The further along in that timeframe the individual is, the larger dosage they’ll be able to handle. As always, the most important thing to remember is that no two individuals are exactly the same. When using RSO or any other cannabis product, it pays to listen to your own body. Don’t follow along with any dosage recommendation that you feel isn’t the right fit for you individually. 

What Are the Benefits?

When Rick Simpson first developed RSO, his primary intention was for it to be used in the treatment of cancer. Today, cancer treatment remains the use most associated with this particular product. However, like most other medical cannabis products, users have found a wide range of benefits associated with RSO. These include treatment for: 

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Inflammation

  • Arthritis

  • Depression

  • Asthma

and many other ailments. 

Is Rick Simpson Oil Right for Me?

That’s not a question that can be answered in a blog post, as each individual is just that - an individual. We’ve been impressed with what we’ve learned about Rick Simpson oil and the benefits its devotees have touted, but that doesn’t mean that it’s right for everyone. 

Another advantage of RSO is that it is extremely versatile. While it is most commonly used orally, RSO oil can also be used for recipes and cooking. Most people find that adding RSO to an oil base will help to lessen the cannabis taste. 

Typically RSO oil is packaged and sold in a syringe. Because it is contained in the air tight syringe (when capped properly) the oil’s shelf life will be extended. The syringe also has an added benefit of helping you monitor your dosage and usage too.

RSO also has a vast amount of other cannabinoids/non-cannabinoids (non-cannabinoids = other plant materials) that also adds to the medicinal properties of RSO. If a user is solely looking for THC edibles this is more along the lines of distillate edibles. 

This said, which one is best for you? Distillate is for you when you want the advantages of a tasteless and odorless product. But when you are looking for all the “power” that is delivered by the combination of cannabinoids and non-cannabinoids, RSO is the clear winner here.

Even though you may be eager to try distillates and RSO, we caution you (not scare you) that you need to watch your doses and start slowly. By starting slowly you will be able to start to figure out your tolerance level which lessens the chances of an unexpected result. 

If you’re interested in learning more about RSO, or if you think it may help you medically, we recommend scheduling an Expert Appointment with our team. That way, we can set you up with the budtender on our staff best suited to address your questions and your needs. We can speak to our products, but also remember that we are not doctors. Before incorporating any cannabis products into your medication routine, be sure to check with your physician directly. 

With locations in Webster and Worcester, there’s a Vault near you with the information you’re after.

Our cannabis product experts are here to answer any questions you might have on RSO

When used responsibly, cannabis can help users deal with a number of medical conditions. Make sure you get your products from a trusted source that stands by them fully. When you shop at The Vault, you know you’re getting a quality product from professionals you can trust to help you understand them. We want to make sure that all of our customers have a positive experience with our products, and we take the time to ensure that this is the case. Walk in or book an Expert Appointment today!

Steve CranshawThe Vault